Friday, November 13, 2009

What is the deal with this girl I am seeing?

What should I do with this girl I am seeing. We have gone on multiple dates together, and I am still unsure where I stand with her, or what is running through her head. We seem to always havea good time together, and she told me that she thinks I am very good looking. I always have to call her to initiate hanging out, although she has texted me and to say have a good day at work, or thank you for the flowers, etc...I have been super nice to her and respectful. maybe too nice. Her family knows mine, so I really cannot be an ******. i knw the guys she dated personally, and they were jerks and just academically dumb.

I just do not understand why she nevers makes the move to ask if I want to do something with her during the day or during the night. Is she really not that interested in me? I'll call her and if she doesnt pick up shell always call me back and leaves a voicemail. should i ignore her for a while and what do you all think she could be thinking? thanks.

What is the deal with this girl I am seeing?
Okay... have you made a move on her or are you a puppy dog!!! What do you want this girl to do, send you an engraved invitation to be a MAN... Stop putting her on a pedestal and treat her like a woman who has desires and needs of intimacy... Courting use to be all about the man asking a woman out... period! Now things are a bit different, I understand, but that doesn't mean woman don't want to be asked out on a date with the right guy... So don't ask her to hang out with you. Ask her if she wants to "go on a date" to whatever... Then when you are getting physically closer (if that is happening) grab her waist firmly, bring her towards you and plant a firm but not hard kiss on the lips... Be a man and do manly things... your wimpiness is confusing her and next thing you know, you'll be "just friends" and you will be relegated to watching her mack down on some other loser (who had b-lls). Now go and be a MAN!!!
Reply:The truth of the matter is, "what is your worth". Are you not worthy of a girl playing a positive part in building a healthy relationship with you? If she is used to dating guys who don't treat her well, then she is not at an emotional place where she is able to appreciate a good guy who will treat her well. You need to let her go and find yourself a girl who can appreciate all the great qualities you have. A girl who loves herself enough to be with men who treat her well. Or are you not deserving of that?
Reply:you need to play hard to get. this may hurt. however, you will at least know!!! maybe she feels since your families know each other she has to or feels obligated when one should not. anyway whoever you end up with is gonna be lucky that's for sure as you are thought full and caring. never ever settle for less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s... may be thinking nothing at all. in a week if no call, call and tell her how you feel or felt but you see apparently she does not feel the same way!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Ignore her for a while and make her come running to you. If she doesnt come back at least you know the truth and you can find someone else with out investing more emotions in the relationship
Reply:Wow 4 dates and nothing? Is going to be hard but why don't you ask her to be your girlfriend? I know it sounds kind of old fashion but it is romantic and it works.
Reply:FB77, sounds like she maybe be Playin you, it is so terrible to say, but it seems like nice guys bore young women now days! My son is around your age I bet and he was so dumped on, he finally found a good one, just keep looking. Dont come on too strong or needy, that freaks some girls out...sounds like she is just way too young, consider an older woman maybe.....hubbbahubbba:) lololol

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